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Verticillium Chlamydosporium

Nematonashak is a unique formulation prepared by specially developed in house technology as per CIBRC guidelines. It is an innovative formulation contain dormant spore of naturally occurring Verticillium Chlamydosporium an entomopathogenic fungus with growth promoting molecules. Nematonashak contains microbe useful for controlling various nematode found in the various crops like, Eggplant, Potato, Chili, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, flowers, Orchards, Vineyards Ornamentals in greenhouses, lawns, nurseries and landscape.
Verticillium Chlamydosporium 1% WP

Verticillium Chlamydosporium (Pochonia Chlamydosporium) 01.00% w/w
C F U Count 2 x 10 8 per gm min.
Carboxy methyl cellulose 01.00% w/w
Carrier (Talc powder) 98.00% w/w
Total 100% w/w

Product Mode of Action
The dormant spore of Verticillium Chlamydosporium gets active and during its growth, its adopt various mechanisms like ……
- Formation of various sticky traps
- Direct attack on eggs of nematode
- Formation of various rings(Constricting and Non constricting types )
- Contact and Endozoic action to control various nematode.

Product benefits:
Nematonashak controls effectively the economically important nematodes like root knot nematodes, burrowing nematodes, cyst nematodes, lesion nematodes etc., among wide range of crops.
- Helps to increase the productivity by containing the nematode pests.
- Saprophytic growth lead to serve on dead organic matter so even in absent of host, inoculums get increase in field so more chances for controlling harm full nematode as they start attack
- it help to increases the crop yield by reducing damage cause by harmful nematode
- help to increases natural soil biomass so by these help to improve soil health
- reduce chances of indirect diseases (like wilt, root rot , red rot etc.) cause by entry of harm full microbes from root hole made by nematode in plant
- help to maintain natural ecosystem in field

Direction for use:
Soil application:
Mix 4 kg or 2 lit of Nematonashak with 100 kg of well compost FYM or any other biocompost and simply broad cast in the main field just before sowing or transplanting or apply in standing crop by row or furrow or broad casting method in sufficient moisture.
Drip application:
Add 2 lit Nematonashak in drip tank contain clean water. Start the drip and liberate contain of drip tank in drip line .Microbes reach by these up to root zone of every plant

. Packing available
- Liquid form – 1 kg, 1 lit,5 lit, 20 lit.
- Powder form- 1 kg
Self life:
-Liquid / Powder- 1 year

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