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Pseudo – FL
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Pseudo FL

Pseudo FL is a unique formulation prepared by specially developed in house technology as per CIBRC guidelines. It is an innovative formulation contains naturally occurring Pseudomonas fluorescens with growth promoting molecules. Pseudo FL contains microbe useful for controlling various diseases found in the various crops.
1 – Powder Form – 0.5% wp
Pseudomonas fluorescens (Bacterial Cells) 0.50%w/w
C F U 2 x 108 per gm min.
Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 1.0 % w/w
Total 100 %w/w

2-Liquid Formulation.- 1.5 % A.S.
Pseudomonas fluorescens (Cells with Nutrient medium residues) 1.5 %w/w
Spore Count (CFU) 1x108 per ml min.
Carrier (Distilled water) QS to make
Total 100 %w/w

Product Mode of Action:
Pseudomonas fluorescens present in Pseudo FL releases various antibiotics like finazine-1-carboxylic acid, pyrolnitarin, pluolutiron, pluocynan and hydrocynic acid from their body. Which cause savior injury to so many harmful fungus and bacteria. So reduce population of such harmful microbes and provide protection to crops. Pseudomonas fluorescens releases plant growth promoting substances to induce vigor & resistivity in the crops. Pseudomonas flurorescens also help to solubilize unavailable Phosphorus.

Pseudo- FL controls disease causing pathogens like Pyniculasa oryzae., Alternerianp.,Mycosphaerella grasicola., Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia solani Fusarium spp., Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotium rolfsii, and Sclerotinia homoeocarpa which cause root rot, root wilt, seedling rot and color rot diseases in crops.
- Reduces various foliar diseases
- Improve the plant immune system
- Improve plant vigor, plant health etc.
- Increase beneficial soil biomass
- Improve soil texture and soil fertilely
- It help to increases the crop yield by helping in phosphorus solubilization

Direction for use:
Seed Treatment
Mix 10 ml of Pseudo-FL per kg of seeds with a sufficient solution of 5 % jaggery. Dry the seed in shade for half an hour. Sow the seeds within 24 hours for maximum advantage.
Seedling Root Dipping:
Mix 1 lit of Pseudo-FL in 100 liter of 5 % jaggery water. Dip the root portion of the seedling required for an acre in the mixture for 30 minutes before transplanting.
Set Dipping:
Mix 1 lit of Pseudo-FL in 100 liter of 5 % jaggery water and dip the setts required for an acre in this mixture for half an hour (30 min) before transplanting.
Soil application:
Mix 1 lit of Pseudo-FL with 100 kg of well compost FYM or any other biocompost and simply broad cast in the main field just before sowing or transplanting or apply in standing crop by row or furrow or broad casting method in sufficient moisture.
Drip application:
Add 1 lit Pseudo-FL in drip tank contain clean water. Start the drip and liberate contain of drip tank in drip line .Microbes reach by these up to root zone of every plant.
Spray Application:
Dilute 1 ml of Pseudo-FL per liter of water along with 5 ml milk, stir well to form uniform solution and spray thoroughly with a sprayer. Effective coverage of whole plant will more benefit.
Packing available:
- Liquid form – 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 lit, 5 lit, 20 lit.
- Powder form – 1 kg.
Self life – Liquid / powder - 1 years

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