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Humic acid is a Organic growth stimulant. It is final degradation product of organic matter. It is sole of soil. The fertility of soil depends on the contents of Humic & fulvic acid in it.

1. It can enhance the performance of fertilizers and reduced input – costs.
2. Stimulates plant growth by an increased biomass production.
3. Increases yield and improves quality of plants.
4. Stimulates plant enzymes.
5. Improves the soil structure and the water holding capacity.
6. Increases and stimulates beneficial micro- Organisms.
7. Enhances the cation exchange capacity [C E C].
8. Increases the effectiveness of fertilizers and reduced nutrient especially nitrate leaching.
9. Promotes root Development.
10. Increases the permeability of cell membranes in the roots and increases nutrient uptake.
11. Act as a natural chelator for micro-elements in alkaline soils and increases their availability for plants.
12. Decreases stress by draught and stress by the application of plant treatments.
13. Increases the germination of seeds and enhances development of radices.
< b> R. B. Herbal Agro Manufactures by its state of arts technology the various formulations of humic and fulvic acid for better performance.

HUMISOL (Liquid formulation)
Humic & Fulvic acid 12%. w/w
residue Water Q.S to make 100%

1 Ltr per acre through drip irrigation twice in a season.

10 kg Bucket, 1\2 lit, 1 lit, 5 lit, & 20 lit.


(Granule formulation)

Humic & Fulvic acid residue
15%. w/w
Carrier (Inert Granules) Q.S. to make 100%
5 Kg per acre.

Availability: 5 Kg Bag.
