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Decomposting Inoculum

CATALYST is a compost accelerating formulation, which consists of a unique blend of cellulose degrading, starch degrading, protein degrading bacteria and fungi. It can be used for treatment of any type of organic waste to reap bio-wealth. It can be used for recycling of organic matter, which can be composted so as to increase yield, supply high quality nutrients to crops and to avoid pollution. Organic matter is degraded in a large scale of various microorganisms in warm and moist environment and is utilized for the betterment of crops. Composting includes a series of changes brought about by a large mixed population of microbes.
These microbes when added to a raw compost heap, germinate to produce hyphae or cells. These fungi grow on solid surfaces and produce a wide range of enzymes like cellulases, proteins and amylases. These enzymes penetrate the raw compost and converts cellulose to sugar intermediates. Thus the CATALYST microbes enable rapid digestion of the raw compost. The modus operandi is simple. CATALYST microbes help in recycling of crop residues and wastes effectively. This is possible due to the variety of microbes that digest the plant waste. Digestion of the compost heap results in enriched quality and reclamation of soil. Nutrient contents of the soil are increased manifold, thus resulting in greater crop yields.

1. Improves soil fertility thereby affecting physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil positively.
2. It reclaims saline soils enabling stable product yields.
3. Assist in conservation of expensive fertilizers by minimizing its usages.
4. Improves soil structure, aeration and water holding capacity of the soil.
5. Permits proper water seepage.
6. Augments beneficial microbial population and their activities such as organic matter decomposition, biological nitrogen fixation solubilization of insoluble phosphates and uptake of plant micronutrients.
7. Improves efficiency of biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers.
8. Destruction of pathogenic bacteria and parasites and promotion of beneficial microbes.
9. Adds humus to soil.
10. Checks soil erosion.
11. Improves base exchange capacity of soil.
12. Prevention of Ground water pollution.
13. Converts unused agricultural and exchange wastes to beneficial biological source.
14. CATALYST reactivates digester microbes, which accelerate composting. They secrete enzymes that digest plant waste.
15. Improves crop yields and contributes to crop sustenance.

Directions For Use:
¬ The contents of the packet are decomposting microorganisms.
¬ The packet (1Kg.) is sufficient for decomposing 1 tone of organic matter.
¬ Contents are to be mixed with animal dung (100 Kg.) and makes slurry with sufficient quantity of water.
¬ Sprinkle slurry over organic matter pit layer by layer.
¬ Add sufficient quantity of water (70 to 75%) to moisten the organic matter.
¬ Do not mix with Chemical Fertilizers.
¬ Store in cool place

Decomposting Microbial Cells 2% w/w
C.F.U 1× 109 per gm. Min
Carrier Inert Material Q.S.
Total 100%

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