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Biorahiza Image is for illustrative purposes only.


(Mycrorrhizal Biofertilizer Organic Manure)

Biorrhiza contain vascular Arbascular mycorrhiza to boost the nutrient turnovers in the soil. It is a mutually symbiotic fungus, interacts between soil and plant provide several micro and macro nutrients from the soil to the plants.

Composition :
Vascular Arbascular mycorrhiza Total viable propugules – 100 per gm.

Biorrhiza is recommended for all horticultural & agronomical field crops.

Benefits of Biorrhiza :
• Produce more vigorous and healthy plants.
• Increase plant establishment and survival at seeding or transplanting.
• Increase yields and crop quality.
• Improve drought tolerance, allowing watering reduction.
• Enhance flowering and fruiting.
• Optimize fertilizers use, especially phosphorus.
Application :
Soil application :
Mix 3-5 kg/acre of VAM with compost and apply to an acre of soil. Apply at a depth of 2-3 cms.

Seed/Nursery bed :
Mix 200 gm/sq.mt. along with compost

Nursery Stage :
2-5 g/seeding

Planting :
5 gm/seeding at planting time, 50 gm/medium sized tree, 200 gm/large sized trees.

Caution :
Do not mix with chemical Fungicides and Fertilizer
