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Nutramin - DF

Micronutrient Liquid Fertilizer
Maharashtra State Govt. Approved Grade No. 2

Nutramin is a Balanced Mixture of all essential Micronutrient prepared as per Govt. approved formulation. Nutramin is recommended to all Horticulture & vegetable crops.Nutramin completes the immediate requirement of Micronutrients leading to healthy growth of field crops. It is recommended to use as foliar application as well as use by drip irrigation system.

Benefits :
• Nutramin is specially formulated as the state of the art technology for delivering micro nutrients with maximum bio availability, tolerability & safety.
• Nutramin contains micro elements in partially chelated form, helps easy & quick absorption by the crop.
• Chelating agent used is an amino acid and thus mingle is an organic complex.
• Nutramin is a high performance 100 % water soluble, available as foliar spray liquid.
• Nutramin contains Magnesium as buffer to enhance its performance.

Composition :
Fe2.5% w/w
Mn 1.0% w/w
Zn 3.0% w/w
Cu 1.0% w/w
Mo 0.1% w/w
B 0.5% w/w
Water Q.S to make 100% w/w

Doses :
Foliar application – 500 ml / 200 lit water.

Drip Irrigation
As per the requirement of field crop. ½ lit to 1 lit per week up to 20 lit. per acre.
