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Plant Growth Regulator
Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L

Eara is Gibberellic Acid based innovation in Biotechnology research. It is first of its kind product manufactured by Combine Gibberellic Acid, Sea Weed Extract, Micro Nutrient & Protein Hydrolyzed by in scientifically controlled conditions to retain optimum result. This dense liquid formulation in Eara undergoes a specialized fermentation process to create a high nutrient powerhouse for all crops.
Eara provides essential nutritional support, activates the plant physiological and metabolic activities. Thus its application must coincide with all critical stages in crop life cycle. Regular use improved plant health and sustained productivity. Eara yield booster formulation is ideal for foliar spray application.

Chemical Composition :
Gibberellic Acid a.i.(Based on purity 100% a.i w/w) 0.001% w/w
Protein (Hydrolysed) 2.5% w/w
Yeast Extract Seaweeds (Marina Brown Algae Extract) 3% w/w
Feso4 7H2O (Min 95%) 2.3% w/w
Mnso4 3H2O (Min 90%) 1.4% w/w
Znso4 7H2O (Min 95%) 3.9% w/w
Mgso4 7H2O (Min 90%) 4.3% w/w
EMULSIFIER Tween 80 (Sorbital mono Oleate) Solvent (Water) 100% w/w .
Total 100.00 % w/w
