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Di Sodium Octa Borate Tetrahydrate

Boron :-The main function of Boron relate to cell wall strengths & development,cell division, fruit & seed development, sugar translocation & hormonesynthesis.The Boron requirement at flowering & seed set may be higher than that needed for vegetative growth. Boron (B) has a significant effect in pollen germination & pollen tube growth. The viability of pollen grains also decreases when B is deficient. Boron (B) deficiency increases the drop of buds & flowers, resulting in significant reduction in seed & fruit set & also in the quality of fruits, seeds, nuts etc. Boron maintains calcium (Ca) in soluble form & thus ensure its proper utilization.

Recommended Crops :
Grapes, Pomegranate, Orange, Papaya, Mango & all Fruit Crops, Vegetables cereals & floriculture crops.

Content :
Di Sodium Octa Borate Tetrahydrate
Percentage : as ‘B’ – 20%

Dose : 0.5 to 1 gm per litre of water for spraying.
After 15 days of seedling, when crops in growing vigorous stage.
Adverse condition helps to improve resistance power.
Spray time interval after 12 to 15 days

Packing Available: 500gm
