
Lorem Ipsum Benefits: 1. It increases luster on skin or rind of the fruits. 2. Increases weight & size of fruit. 3. Improves sugar level. 4. It helps to attend natural colour on fruits. 5. It helps to stop cracking of fruits. Contents: Natural organic form of Calcium : 20000 ppm Magnesium : 5000 ppm Other additives like organic acid & essential nutrients. Recommended crops: Pomegranates, Grapes, Tomato, Watermelon, etc. Dose: § 5 mL per lit of spray solution. § 5 Lit per acre through drip irrigation. How to Use: It is advisable to spray one month before harvest and 10 days before harvest or any time with cracking to observed. Availability: CO-RANG is available in ½ Lit, 1 Lit, 5 Lit, 20 liter packing. Notes: It is eco-friendly, residue free, non poisonous & safe to handle.