Jaivika is a entomopathogenic fungus which acts as a biofungicide. It is a unique formulation contains dormant spores of Trichoderma viride with a inert carrier. Trichoderma spp. is fungi that are present in substantial numbers in nearly all agricultural soils and in other environments such as decaying wood. Among their other activities, they grow tropically toward hyphae of other fungi, coil about them in a lectin-mediated reaction, and degrade cell walls of the target fungi. This process (mycoparastitism) limits growth and activity of plant pathogenic fungi. Mycoparasites produce cell wall-degrading enzymes, which allow them to bore holes into other fungi and extract nutrients for their own growth.
[Anticracking & Fruit Shiner] CO-RANG is a unique formulation developed by our in house R&D technology. It is multifunctional liquid formulation provides essential nutrients along with other ingredients to plants. As CO-RANG increases, the natural colour pigments in fruit or skin, it improves the asthetic value of the fruit products.