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RBH Bordo

Ready Bordo
Bordo Mixture is a mixture of copper sulphate (CuSO4) & black lime (Ca(OH)2) used as fungicide. It was invented in the Bordeaux region of France in the late 19th century, since then it is widely used to control downy & other fungus in many crops.
Preparation of Bordo mixture is a tricky process for adjustment of PH in the range of 7 – 8. RB Bordo has been prepared with special technique to make ready to use formulation. It is safe to use for all kind of crops.

How to use :
Ready to use Bordeaux mixture formulation should be mixed in water as per the recommended doses and use for spraying. Suspension prepared should be used on the same day. It is advisable to stir the suspension before use. Bordeaux mixture is non-toxic to the plant at recommended dose.
Dose :
3 - 5 ml per lit of water for liquid formulation or 3-5 gm per lit of water for powder formulation.

Packing :
500 gm, 500 ml, 1 Lit, 5 Lit.
